27 #ifndef _CLC_FCT_PIPE_H_
28 #define _CLC_FCT_PIPE_H_
44 #if defined(ENABLE_PIPE)
61 #endif // defined(ENABLE_PIPE)
const pfIsReady);
const fFlush);
191 CPCHAR8 const *
const utf8OptionalData,
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
266 #endif // _CLC_FCT_PIPE_H_
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendEventMessage(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPEVENTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a event message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RemoveConnectionByIndex(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wConnectionIndex)
Remove a connection by index.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendSelectorMessage(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send an event message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response.
Handle on Hooked Object.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:58
This structure stores data from a text message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_TextMessage.h:55
Error code Enumeration. Error codes from 0x01 to 0xFF are related to a CopperLan functions return cod...
Definition: CLCm_Defines.h:469
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendModifierMessage(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a modifier message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response.
This structure stores data from an event message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_EventMessage.h:57
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_AddConnection(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
Add a connection.
This structure stores data from a modifier message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_ModifierMessage.h:61
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendTextMessage(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPTEXTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a text message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. ...
This structure contains information for a specific pipe.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:171
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RemoveConnection(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
Remove a connection.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Signal(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint)
Send a multicast signal directed to all devices present in the peer set.
Container structure for Endpoint.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:48
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_IsReadyToSend(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPBOOLEAN *const pfIsReady)
Check if the Pipe is ready to send.
This structure stores data from a selector message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_SelectorMessage.h:64
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RegisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
Register notification handler for a pipe.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_ClearConnections(CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
Clear connections.
Handle on Object.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:57
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Send(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hMessage, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a message with flush control, allowing multipart messages.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_DataConsumed(CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
Tells the sources that incoming SysEx or DataTransfer message has been processed. If this command is ...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_UnregisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
Unregister notification handler for a pipe.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Flush(CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
Send pending messages.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_GetPipeInfo(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPPIPEINFO *const pPipeInfo)
Get pipe Informations.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_GetConnection(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wConnectionIndex, CPENDPOINT *const pPeer)
Get a connection by index.