CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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List of all functions that can be used with either an Output object or a Controller object. Both these objects inherit from the BaseOutput object. More...

Output Identity Handling

CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_GetInfo (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBASEOUTPUTINFO *const pBaseOutputInfo)
 Get Base Output Information. More...
CPBOOLEAN BaseOutput_IsCompatibleWith (InOutCapabilities const inCaps, InOutCapabilities const outCaps)
 Check if the specified input caps are compatible with the specified output caps. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_GetName (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPCHAR8 const **const putf8Name)
 Get the output name. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetName (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name)
 Set the output name. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetSectionID (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPSECTIONID const *const pSectionID)
 Set the Output section ID. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_GetInfo (CPHOBJECT const hController, CPCONTROLLERINFO *const pControllerInfo)
 Get Controller Information. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_QueryParameterPath (CPHOBJECT const hController)
 Queries the currently assigned parameter path. This is an asynchronous operation, the notification NH_CONTROLLER_ONPARAMETERPATHREPLY will be called later. More...


CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_EnableSendingDuringGlobalLearning (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fEnable)
 Allow sending message during global learning. More...

Timestamp handling

Timestamp information is set before sending a message. Multiple messages can be sent with the same time information if timestamp remains unchanged between two Send. It is possible to set simultaneously a timestamp for each type.

Manipulating time stamp reset the output buffer. Do not use hereafter methods after beginning a multipart message (send with no flush) to avoid missing message send.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_ClearTimeStamp (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
 Clear any timestamp information. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampOffline (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
 Set the timestamp in offline mode. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSongPosition (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, SongPosition const position)
 Set the timestamp to Song Position value. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSystemTime (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, SystemTime const time)
 Set the timestamp to System Time value. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSystemTimeFromGlobalSynchronizedTime (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
 Set timestamp from Global Synchronized Clock (unit is 1us). More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_EnableAutoTimeStampOnRecording (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fEnable)
 Enable/disable automatic timestamping during recording session. More...


CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_QueryCurrentParameterValues (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
 Send a query for all current parameter values refresh to the connected input.///. More...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_QueryCurrentParameterValue (CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPPARAMETERID const *const pParamID)
 Send a query of current parameter value update for the specified parameter. More...

Detailed Description

List of all functions that can be used with either an Output object or a Controller object. Both these objects inherit from the BaseOutput object.