CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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typedef void(* ARH_CHAI_REMOTEDEVICE_FIND)(AsyncResult const result, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hRemoteDevice, CPREMOTEDEVICEINFO const *const pRemoteDeviceInfo, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8MachineName, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hDeviceEnumContext, CPUINT32 const dwClientContextData)

Used by the CHAI during device enumeration in response to CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindFirst_Async or CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindNext_Async function call.

[in]resultCan be AR_Succeeded, AR_Done or AR_Canceled
[in]hRemoteDeviceHandle to the Remote Device. This handle is only valid during notification. If application needs to keep this handle it must acquire it with HookedObject_Acquire and release it with HookedObject_Release when it is no longer used.
[in]pRemoteDeviceInfoPointer to a CPREMOTEDEVICEINFO structure (see the CPREMOTEDEVICEINFO structure details in CLCm_Defines.h)
[in]strNameRemote device's name. This string is only valid during the handler execution.
[in]strMachineNameRemote device's machine name. This string is only valid during the handler execution.
[in]hDeviceEnumContextOpaque enum context, must be given to following remote device find operations to continue search (see CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindNext_Async function).
[in]dwClientContextDataContext data passed to the CHAI during CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindFirst_Async or CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindNext_Async function call.
if fSuccess is FALSE, only dwClientContextData parameter is valid.