CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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CLC_ErrorCode Input_AddSelectorParameter ( CPHOBJECT const  hInput,
CPCHAR8 const *const  utf8Name,
CPUINT16 const  wMsgNum,
CPHOBJECT const  hIndexList,
CPHOBJECT const  hSelectorItemList,
CPUINT16 const  wGroup,
SelectorInformationProfiles const  informationProfiles,
ControllerTypes const  preferredControllerType,
CPUINT32 const  dwParameterUserData,
CPHOBJECT *const  phParameter 

Add a Selector parameter.

Don't forget to set the CPNS::Enums::IOC_Explorable capability to the owner input in order to allow parameters exploration and remote control.
[in]hInputInput handle
[in]utf8Namethe parameter's name
[in]wMsgNummessage number (see CPNS::Enums::Modifiers)
[in]hIndexListhandle of the related Index List, or CPHOBJECT_NULL if the parameter is not indexed.
[in]hSelectorItemListhandle of the Selector Item list. Must be != CPHOBJECT_NULL
[in]wGroupthe parameter's group. Parameters having the same group number (>0) are physically attached.
[in]informationProfilescombination of optional information profiles. See SelectorInformationProfiles
[in]preferredControllerTypethe preferred controller type for this parameter, without the CT_Msg* part. See ControllerTypes
[in]dwParameterUserDataA 32 bit user data associated to the returned parameter handle. This data will be passed back to the application in parameter notifications.
[out]phParameterPointer to the handle of the new parameter, or CPHOBJECT_NULL in case of error, for instance if the Selector Item list is not correctly defined.
Standard CHAILink Client return code. See CLC_ErrorCode enumeration.
This function can only be called in CopperLan context. This means in the pseudo task CPDoProcess(), in notification handlers or in asynchronous return handlers and not in SystemDoProcess() for instance.