CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_GeneratorCommand (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, ClockGeneratorCommands const cmd) |
| Control the generator state. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_RunFromStart (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners) |
| Run clock from start. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_Run (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners) |
| Run clock. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_Stop (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners) |
| Stop clock. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_SetPositionImmediate (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPUINT32 const dwPosition) |
| Set immediately a new clock position. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_SetPositionPrepare (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPUINT32 const dwPosition) |
| Prepare clock position. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_SetPositionTrigger (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners) |
| Trig prepared clock position setting. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_FillIn (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners) |
| FillIn clock. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Clock_State (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPBOOLEAN const fState) |
| Clock state. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_IsReadyToSend (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN *const pfIsReady) |
| Check if the output is ready to send. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Send (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hMessage, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send a message with flush control, allowing multipart messages. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet, a system time stamp is automatically added to the message. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_SendModifierMessage (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send a modifier message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet, a system time stamp is automatically added to the message. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_SendEventMessage (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPEVENTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send an event message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet, a system time stamp is automatically added to the message. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_SendSelectorMessage (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send an selector message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet, a system time stamp is automatically added to the message. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_SendTextMessage (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPTEXTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send a text message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet, a system time stamp is automatically added to the message. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_SendMIDISysExMessage (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fIsLastBlock, CPUINT8 const bSize, CPUINT8 const *const pData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush) |
| Send a midi SysEx message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Flush (CPHOBJECT const hOutput) |
| Send pending messages. More...
CLC_ErrorCode | Output_Signal (CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint) |
| Send a multicast signal directed to all devices present in the destination set. More...
List of all Output functions.