CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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Pipe Functions

List of all Pipe functions. More...

Event handling

CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RegisterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
 Register notification handler for a pipe. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_UnregisterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
 Unregister notification handler for a pipe. More...

Pipe Identity Handling

CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_GetPipeInfo (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPPIPEINFO *const pPipeInfo)
 Get pipe Informations. More...

Connection Handling

Adding/removing connection reset the Pipe buffer. Do not manipulate connections after beginning a multipart message (send with no flush) to avoid missing message send.
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_ClearConnections (CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
 Clear connections. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_AddConnection (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Add a connection. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RemoveConnection (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Remove a connection. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_RemoveConnectionByIndex (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wConnectionIndex)
 Remove a connection by index. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_GetConnection (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wConnectionIndex, CPENDPOINT *const pPeer)
 Get a connection by index. More...


CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_IsReadyToSend (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPBOOLEAN *const pfIsReady)
 Check if the Pipe is ready to send. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Send (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hMessage, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
 Send a message with flush control, allowing multipart messages. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Flush (CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
 Send pending messages. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_Signal (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint)
 Send a multicast signal directed to all devices present in the peer set. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendModifierMessage (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
 Send a modifier message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendEventMessage (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPEVENTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
 Send a event message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendSelectorMessage (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
 Send an event message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_SendTextMessage (CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPTEXTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
 Send a text message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Pipe_DataConsumed (CPHOBJECT const hPipe)
 Tells the sources that incoming SysEx or DataTransfer message has been processed. If this command is not used, the sender wait for 500ms before sending next SysEx or DataTransferMessage. More...

Detailed Description

List of all Pipe functions.