CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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typedef void(* ARH_REMOTEDEVICE_GETINDEXLISTITEM)(AsyncResult const result, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hIndexListID, CPUINT16 const wMsgIndex, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Label, CPUINT32 const dwClientContextData)

End of asynchronous for the RemoteDevice_GetIndexListItem_Async function call.

[in]resultAsync operation result. Can be AR_Done if no more item, AR_Succeeded if the returned item is unique. The following values can be passed if the request's fRequestMultipleValues was TRUE: AR_ToBeContinued if the item is valid and more items are pending (do not request the rest of the list at this time, this notification will be called at least once with the same pAsync), AR_LastBatchItem if this is the last item for this batch (at this time you can initiate a new request to get the next items).
[in]hIndexListIDHandle to the index list ID. If available, the handle is valid only during the notification. If you want to maintain the handle, you must acquire the object with HookedObject_Acquire and release it when you no longer use it with HookedObject_Release.
[in]wMsgIndexmessage index related to the item. CAUTION: first item is related to message index 1!
[in]strLabelitem label