CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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CLC_Fct_CHAI.h File Reference

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General Functions
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_GetVersion (CPUINT32 *const pdwVersion, CPCHAR8 const **const ppVersionString)
 Get the current CHAI and VNM versions. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_SetApplicationName (CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name)
 Set the application name. More...
Event Handling Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RegisterNotificationHandler (void)
 Register CHAI notification handler. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_UnregisterNotificationHandler (void)
 Unregister CHAI notification handler. More...
Global synchronized time Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_GetGlobalSynchronizedTime (SystemTime *const pSystemTime)
 Get the current global synchronized time. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_IsGlobalSynchronizedTimeReference (CPBOOLEAN *const pfTimeReference)
 Check if this machine is the current global synchronized time reference. More...
Local Device Snapshot Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_EnterSnapshotSavingMode (void)
 Enter in Snapshot saving mode. The CHAI will maintain the network in snapshot saving mode sending regularly a signal, so any application is aware about that, even it is declared on the network while a snapshot is running. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_EnterSnapshotRestoreMode (void)
 Enter in Snapshot restore mode. The CHAI will maintain the network in pSnapshotMode restore mode sending regularly a signal, so any application is aware about that, even it is declared on the network while a snapshot is running. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_LeaveSnapshotMode (void)
 Quit the Snapshot mode if this is managed by the local CHAI! More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_GetCurrentSnapshotMode (SnapshotModes *const pSnapshotMode)
 Check if a Snapshot mode is running. More...
List management Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_AddIndexList (CPUINT16 const wSize, CPCHAR8 const *const *const arutf8Names, CPHOBJECT *const phIndexList)
 Add an Index List for use with parameter creation. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoveIndexList (CPHOBJECT const hIndexList)
 Remove an Index List. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_AddSelectorItemList (CPUINT16 const wSize, CPUINT16 const *const arValues, CPCHAR8 const *const *const arutf8Names, CPHOBJECT *const phSelectorItemList)
 Add a Selector Item List. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_UpdateSelectorItemList (CPHOBJECT const hSelectorItemList, CPUINT16 const wSize, CPUINT16 const *const arValues, CPCHAR8 const *const *const arutf8Names)
 Update a Selector Item List. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoveSelectorItemList (CPHOBJECT const hSelectorItemList)
 Remove a Selector Item List. More...
Local Device management Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RedeclareAllDevices (void)
 Redeclare all devices. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_AddLocalDevice (ObjectTypes deviceType, CPUINT16 const wModelID, CPUINT32 const dwDuplicateNumber, DuplicateModes const duplicateMode, CPBOOLEAN const fHidden, ExtendedDeviceCapabilities const extendedCapabilities, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ModelName, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPHOBJECT *const phDevice)
 Add a new root device to the CHAI. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoveLocalDevice (CPHOBJECT const LocalDeviceHandle)
 Remove a local device. More...
Network connection management Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_Connect (CPUINT16 const wBrandID, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8BrandName, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ContactInfo)
 Get connected to the network. If this method is called when the CHAI is already connected, a redeclare of devices is performed and parameters are ignored. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_Disconnect (void)
 Disconnect from the network. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_IsConnected (CPBOOLEAN *const pfConnected)
 Check if the CHAI is connected. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_SetCHAIGroups (CPUINT32 const dwGroups)
 Set the CHAI groups (31 bits - one per group - ; MSB = super-group). More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_GetCHAIGroups (CPUINT32 *const pdwGroups)
 Get the CHAI groups. More...
Network Search Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindFirst_Async (FindDeviceOptions const options, CPDEVICEID const *const pParentDevID, DeviceCapabilities const includeDeviceCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities const excludeDeviceCapabilities, InOutCapabilities const includeInputCapabilities, InOutCapabilities const excludeInputCapabilities, InOutCapabilities const includeOutputCapabilities, InOutCapabilities const excludeOutputCapabilities, CPUINT16 const wBrandID, CPUINT16 const wModelID, CPUINT32 const dwDuplicateNumberFrom, CPUINT32 const dwDuplicateNumberTo, CPUINT16 const wModuleIDFrom, CPUINT16 const wModuleIDTo, CPUINT32 const dwClientContextData, CPHASYNC *const phAsync)
 Find the first device according the specified filtering arguments. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindNext_Async (CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hDeviceEnumContext, CPUINT32 const dwClientContextData, CPHASYNC *const phAsync)
 Find the next device according the specified enumeration context. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RemoteDevice_FindPrev_Async (CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hDeviceEnumContext, CPUINT32 const dwClientContextData, CPHASYNC *const phAsync)
 Find the previous device according the specified enumeration context. More...
Global Timer Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RegisterGlobalTimer (GlobalTimerNotificationFlags const flags)
 Register global timer notification handler for specified events. More...
Warning message Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_Warning_Send (CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalSource, WarningCodes const code, WarningDomains const domain, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Title, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Content)
 Broadcast an warning message. More...
Signal Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_RegisterSignalNotificationHandler (void)
 Register the Signal notification handler for the CHAI. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_UnregisterSignalNotificationHandler (void)
 Unregister the Signal notification handler for the CHAI. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_Signal (CPDEVICEID const *const pDevID, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint)
 Send a signal (broadcast or directed to the specified device) More...
Hooked object Functions.
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_CreateRemoteDeviceFromLocalDevice (CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, CPHOOKEDOBJECT *const phRemoteDevice)
 Create a new Remote Device object from a local device. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_CreateRemoteDevice (CPDEVICEID const *const pDevID, CPHOOKEDOBJECT *const phRemoteDevice)
 Create a new Remote Device object from a DeviceID. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_CreateDataTransferMessage (CPUINT16 const wNumber, CPHOOKEDOBJECT *const phMsg)
 Create a new Data Transfer Message object. More...
CLC_ErrorCode CHAI_SetFlowControlIncomingCapacity (CPUINT32 const dwCapacity)
 Set the flow control incoming capacity. More...