27 #ifndef _CLC_FCT_OUTPUT_H_
28 #define _CLC_FCT_OUTPUT_H_
70 CPCHAR8 const **
const putf8Name);
79 CPCHAR8 const *
const utf8Name);
const fEnable);
const fEnable);
200 #if defined(ENABLE_OUTPUT)
218 #if defined(ENABLE_CLOCK)
234 #endif // defined(ENABLE_CLOCK)
236 #endif // defined(ENABLE_OUTPUT)
266 CPUINT8 const bCPQNMultiplier);
const fDispatchToAllListeners);
const fDispatchToAllListeners);
const fDispatchToAllListeners);
const fDispatchToAllListeners,
const fDispatchToAllListeners,
const fDispatchToAllListeners);
const fDispatchToAllListeners);
const fDispatchToAllListeners,
const fState);
const pfIsReady);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fFlush);
const fIsLastBlock,
const fFlush);
618 CPCHAR8 const *
const utf8OptionalData,
652 #if defined(ENABLE_CONTROLLER)
669 #endif // defined(ENABLE_CONTROLLER)
const fWriteToEnd,
const fTouch,
741 CPCHAR8 const *
const utf8Value);
756 CPCHAR8 const *
const utf8Value,
const fWriteToEnd,
const fTouch,
808 #endif // _CLC_FCT_OUTPUT_H_
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_EnableSendingDuringGlobalLearning(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fEnable)
Allow sending message during global learning.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_ClearDestinations(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Clear destinations.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSystemTimeFromGlobalSynchronizedTime(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
Set timestamp from Global Synchronized Clock (unit is 1us).
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendTextValueWithAutomation(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Value, CPBOOLEAN const fWriteToEnd, CPBOOLEAN const fTouch, PerformanceMessageAutomationStates const state)
Send a value using the assigned message, specifying automation (only for controllers assigned to text...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SendTextMessage(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPTEXTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a text message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_AddDestination(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPENDPOINT const *const pDestination)
Add a destination.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SetCapabilities(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, InOutCapabilities const outputCaps)
Set the output capabilities.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_RegisterClockGeneratorNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Register Clock Generator notification handler for an output.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_RegisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Register notification handler for an output.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSongPosition(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, SongPosition const position)
Set the timestamp to Song Position value.
Handle on Hooked Object.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:58
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_Assign(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPCONTROLLERASSIGNMENT const *const pAssignment)
Assign the controller.
Container structure for Section ID Each Input is associated to a SectionID giving information about i...
Definition: CLC_Types.h:67
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetName(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name)
Set the output name.
This structure contains information for a specific output or controller.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:148
CPUINT32 SongPosition
Song Position definition as unsigned 32 bit integer.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:61
This structure stores data from a text message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_TextMessage.h:55
Error code Enumeration. Error codes from 0x01 to 0xFF are related to a CopperLan functions return cod...
Definition: CLCm_Defines.h:469
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Signal(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint)
Send a multicast signal directed to all devices present in the destination set.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_SetPositionImmediate(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPUINT32 const dwPosition)
Set immediately a new clock position.
This structure stores data from an event message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_EventMessage.h:57
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_EnterLearningMode(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Enter learning mode. On success, the notification handler NH_CHAI_NOTIFICATION is called signaling CN...
Automation states.
Definition: CLC_Enums.h:1660
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_GetInfo(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPCONTROLLERINFO *const pControllerInfo)
Get Controller Information.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SendSelectorMessage(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send an selector message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_EnableAutoTimeStampOnRecording(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fEnable)
Enable/disable automatic timestamping during recording session.
CPUINT64 SystemTime
System Time definition as unsigned 64 bit integer.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:62
This structure stores data from a modifier message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_ModifierMessage.h:61
CLC_ErrorCode Output_IsReadyToSend(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN *const pfIsReady)
Check if the output is ready to send.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_QueryParameterValue(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Send a query of current parameter value update This is an asynchronous operation, the notification NH...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_GeneratorCommand(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, ClockGeneratorCommands const cmd)
Control the generator state.
Input & Output capabilities.
Definition: CLC_Enums.h:1145
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendDown(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Send the message related to the button down action, if any. If the controller has been assigned with ...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_Run(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners)
Run clock.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendValue(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT16 const wValue, ControllerSendModes const mode)
Send a value using the assigned message. If the assigned message is a Selector, the value is sent in ...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SendMIDISysExMessage(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fIsLastBlock, CPUINT8 const bSize, CPUINT8 const *const pData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a midi SysEx message. For performance, this function does not wait for a response.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_Set(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wBPM, CPUINT8 const bCPQNMultiplier)
Set clock description.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_RegisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Register notification handler for a controller.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_Tick(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wTickCount)
Send a clock tick.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendValueWithAutomation(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT16 const wValue, ControllerSendModes const mode, CPBOOLEAN const fWriteToEnd, CPBOOLEAN const fTouch, PerformanceMessageAutomationStates const state)
Send a value using the assigned message, specifying automation The value is sent in proportional mode...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_QueryCurrentParameterValue(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPPARAMETERID const *const pParamID)
Send a query of current parameter value update for the specified parameter.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetSectionID(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPSECTIONID const *const pSectionID)
Set the Output section ID.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_QueryParameterPath(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Queries the currently assigned parameter path. This is an asynchronous operation, the notification NH...
Container structure for Parameter ID. Knowing a ParameterID and its owning Device gives enough inform...
Definition: CLC_Types.h:76
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_State(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPBOOLEAN const fState)
Clock state.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_SetPositionTrigger(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners)
Trig prepared clock position setting.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendTextValue(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Value)
Send a text value using the assigned message (only for controllers assigned to text parameter) ...
CPBOOLEAN BaseOutput_IsCompatibleWith(InOutCapabilities const inCaps, InOutCapabilities const outCaps)
Check if the specified input caps are compatible with the specified output caps.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_SendUp(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Send the message related to the button up action, if any. If the controller has been assigned with a ...
Tells how to send the value.
Definition: CLC_Enums.h:181
CLC_ErrorCode Output_UnregisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Unregister notification handler for an output.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Flush(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Send pending messages.
Container structure for Endpoint.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:48
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_GetName(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPCHAR8 const **const putf8Name)
Get the output name.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_RemoveDestination(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPENDPOINT const *const pDestination)
Remove a destination.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SendModifierMessage(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a modifier message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_SendEventMessage(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPEVENTMSG const *const pMessageData, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send an event message. If the device recording is armed and no time stamp specified yet...
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_ClearTimeStamp(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
Clear any timestamp information.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampOffline(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
Set the timestamp in offline mode.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_GetDestination(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wDestinationIndex, CPENDPOINT *const pDestination)
Get a destination by index.
This structure stores data from a selector message.
Definition: CLC_Fct_SelectorMessage.h:64
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_SetTimeStampSystemTime(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, SystemTime const time)
Set the timestamp to System Time value.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_Stop(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners)
Stop clock.
Clock generator commands.
Definition: CLC_Enums.h:126
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_SetControllerInput(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPHOBJECT const hInput)
Set the companion Clock Controller Input.
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_GetInfo(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput, CPBASEOUTPUTINFO *const pBaseOutputInfo)
Get Base Output Information.
Controller assignment structure.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:85
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_SetPositionPrepare(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners, CPUINT32 const dwPosition)
Prepare clock position.
This structure contains information for a specific controller.
Definition: CLC_Types.h:160
Handle on Object.
Definition: CLCm_Types.h:57
CLC_ErrorCode BaseOutput_QueryCurrentParameterValues(CPHOBJECT const hBaseOutput)
Send a query for all current parameter values refresh to the connected input.///. ...
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_Unassign(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Unassign the controller, back to the preferred settings.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_RemoveDestinationByIndex(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT16 const wDestinationIndex)
Remove a destination by specifying its index.
CLC_ErrorCode Controller_UnregisterNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hController)
Unregister notification handler for a Controller.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_RunFromStart(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners)
Run clock from start.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_UnregisterClockGeneratorNotificationHandler(CPHOBJECT const hOutput)
Unregister Clock Generator notification handler for an output.
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Send(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hMessage, CPBOOLEAN const fFlush)
Send a message with flush control, allowing multipart messages. If the device recording is armed and ...
CLC_ErrorCode Output_Clock_FillIn(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPBOOLEAN const fDispatchToAllListeners)
FillIn clock.