Tells how to send the value.
Enumerator |
CSM_Absolute |
Absolute value. For Modifiers: full scale value 0x0000 -> 0xFFFF. For Selectors: item related value.
CSM_Relative |
Relative value. For modifiers: the value is simply an offset from the current value. Just cast the CPNS::uint16 value to CPNS::int16. 0x0000 is 0, 0x0001 is 1 and 0xFFFF is -1.
CSM_RelativeOneWay |
Relative value, one way Similar to relative value, but the final value runs into the terminals instead of looping.
CSM_Proportional |
Proportional value For Modifiers: similar to CSM_Absolute mode For Selectors: the item is selected by a proportional mapping of the 0x0000 -> 0xFFFF value to the number of items in the list.