List of all input notification handlers.
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_MESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hMessage, ObjectTypes const messageType, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on message reception other than Event, Modifier, Text, Selector and MidiSysEx. Actually only Data Transfer Message are handled this way. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_EVENTMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPEVENTMSG const *const pEvent, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on event message reception. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_MODIFIERMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pModifier, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on modifier message reception. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_SELECTORMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pSelector, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on selector message reception. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_TEXTMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPTEXTMSG const *const pText, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on text message reception. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_MIDISYSEXMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPBOOLEAN const fIsLastBlock, CPUINT8 const bDataSize, CPUINT8 const *const pData, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPTIMESTAMPINFO const *const pTimeStamp) |
| Called on Midi SysEx message reception. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_CLOCKDEFINITION )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPUINT16 const wBPM, CPUINT8 const bCPQNMultiplier) |
| Called if the input receives a clock definition. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_CLOCKTICK )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *pSource, CPUINT16 const wBPM, CPUINT16 const wResolution, CPUINT16 const wTick) |
| Called if the input receives a clock tick. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_CLOCKCOMMAND )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *pSource, ClockCommands const command) |
| Called if the input receives a clock command. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUT_CLOCKSETPOSITION )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *pSource, CPUINT32 const dwPosition, CPBOOLEAN const fImmediate) |
| Called if the input receives a clock position. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUTPARAM_REQUESTREFRESHCURRENTVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOBJECT const hParameter, ObjectTypes const parameterType, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPUINT16 const wIndex) |
| Called by the CHAI to request a current value refresh related to a specific parameter. When this method is called, the application should reply using Parameter_RefreshCurrentModifierParameterValue | Parameter_RefreshCurrentSelectorParameterValue | Parameter_RefreshCurrentTextParameterValue. More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUTPARAM_ONMODIFIERUPDATE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPUINT16 const wUpdatedRawValue, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pModifier) |
| An Modifier message related to this Parameter has been received. The updated raw value argument contains the value provided by the Modifier message, except in case of relative Modifier. In this case, an absolute raw value is calculated from the last known current value and the offset provided in the Modifier. The original Modifier message object is also forwarded to provide all of its content to the application (automation,...). More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUTPARAM_ONSELECTORUPDATE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPHOBJECT const hSelectorItemList, CPUINT16 const wValue, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pSelector) |
| A Selector message related to this Parameter has been received. The updated item argument points corresponds to the value provided by the Selector message, except in case of proportional or relative Selector. In this case, the selected item is calculated from the Selector Item list size (proportional mode) or from the last known current value (relative mode). The original Selector message object is also forwarded to provide all of its content to the application (automation,...). More...
typedef void(* | NH_INPUTPARAM_ONTEXTUPDATE )(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPTEXTMSG const *const pText) |
| A Text message related to this Parameter has been received. More...
List of all input notification handlers.