CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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typedef void(* NH_INPUTPARAM_REQUESTREFRESHCURRENTVALUE)(CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT32 const dwInputUserData, CPHOBJECT const hParameter, ObjectTypes const parameterType, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPUINT16 const wIndex)

Called by the CHAI to request a current value refresh related to a specific parameter. When this method is called, the application should reply using Parameter_RefreshCurrentModifierParameterValue | Parameter_RefreshCurrentSelectorParameterValue | Parameter_RefreshCurrentTextParameterValue.

The call to RefreshCurrent***Value can be done at any time, even outside this notification handler scope. The CHAI is not waiting for it. It is just relaying the fact that a remote controller is interested in knowing the current value.
[in]hInputHandle to the notified input.
[in]dwInputUserDataThe user data associated to the input handle during its creation.
[in]hParameterHandle to the related parameter
[in]parameterTypeType of the notified parameter. See ObjectTypes
[in]dwParameterUserDataThe user data associated to the parameter handle during its creation.
[in]wIndexindex related to the expected current value, or 0 if no index.