typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_FLOWCONTROL )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPBOOLEAN const fReady) |
| Called on flow control status update. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_DATACONSUMED )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData) |
| This is called on reception of DataConsumed from the target side. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_DESTINATIONCHANGE )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pDestination, ODCOperations const operation) |
| Called on destination change. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_REFRESHPARAMETERDEFINITION )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *pSource) |
| Called to inform that the layout of parameters changed for the specified source. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_UPDATEINDEXLISTCONTENT )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hIndexListID) |
| This to inform the application that the specified index list content changed. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_UPDATESELECTORITEMLISTCONTENT )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPHOOKEDOBJECT const hSelectorItemListID, CPUINT16 const wNewSize) |
| This to inform the application that the specified selector item list content changed. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_REFRESHCURRENTMODIFIERPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPPARAMETERID const *const pParamID, CPVALUE const *const pValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes) |
| Called to inform that a modifier parameter changed its value. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_REFRESHCURRENTSELECTORPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPPARAMETERID const *const pParamID, CPUINT16 const wValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes, CPUINT16 const wProportionalValue) |
| Called to inform that a selector parameter changed its value. More...
typedef void(* | NH_OUTPUT_REFRESHCURRENTTEXTPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hOutput, CPUINT32 const dwOutputUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource, CPPARAMETERID const *const pParamID, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes) |
| Called to inform that a text parameter changed its value. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_CONNECTIONSTATUS )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPBOOLEAN const fConnected) |
| This is called on destination change. This can be used to know when a controller is connected to the input hosting the target parameter. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_REFRESHCURRENTMODIFIERPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPVALUE const *const pValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes) |
| This to inform the application that a modifier parameter changed of value. It is useful to reflect current remote parameter value on a front panel for instance. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_REFRESHCURRENTSELECTORPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPUINT16 const wValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes, CPUINT16 const wProportionalValue) |
| This to inform the application that a selector parameter changed of value. It is useful to reflect current remote parameter value on a front panel for instance. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_REFRESHCURRENTTEXTPARAMVALUE )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes) |
| This to inform the application that a text parameter changed of value. It is useful to reflect current remote parameter value on a front panel for instance. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_ASSIGN )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, ControllerAssignReasons const reason, CPCONTROLLERASSIGNMENT const *const pAssignment) |
| This notification is called to assign a controller to a specific message. Current controller assignment data is maintained internally in the CHAI by the Controller object. It can be collected and restored by the SnapShot procedure. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_ONPARAMETERPATHREPLY )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ParameterPath) |
| Notify about the currently assigned parameter path. This is called in response of CPNS::IController::QueryParameterPath. More...
typedef void(* | NH_CONTROLLER_ONLEARNINGMODECHANGE )(CPHOBJECT const hController, CPUINT32 const dwControllerUserData, CPBOOLEAN const fIsLearning) |
| Notify about learning mode status change for this controller. More...
List of all output notification handlers.