Refresh current value attributes.
Enumerator |
RVA_None |
RVA_Password |
The text value should be masked.
RVA_Hidden |
The parameter should be hidden at this time.
RVA_Disabled |
RVA_Enabled |
RVA_Blink |
The parameter display should be blinking.
RVA_EnableMoveDown |
The value is not the lowest.
RVA_EnableMoveUp |
The value is not the highest.
RVA_ProbablyOutOfSync |
The value is probably out of sync. Used with MIDI devices for example, when the feedback value is not necessary known every time.
RVA_ValidForLearning |
This value can be used for global or directed learning. This is a refresh attribute instead of an information profile to allow parameter behavior changing on the fly.