enum | AssignControllerAvailableValues { ACAV_None = 0x00,
ACAV_Up = 0x01,
ACAV_Down = 0x02,
ACAV_UpDown = 0x03
} |
enum | AsyncResult {
_AR_TaskTerminated_ = 0x80,
AR_Done = 0 | _AR_TaskTerminated_,
AR_Succeeded = 1 | _AR_TaskTerminated_,
AR_ToBeContinued = 2,
AR_LastBatchItem = 3 | _AR_TaskTerminated_,
AR_Canceled = 4 | _AR_TaskTerminated_
} |
| Async operation result. More...
enum | SmartConnectAsyncResult {
_SCAR_TaskTerminated_ = 0x80,
SCAR_Initiated = 0,
SCAR_Finished = 1 | _SCAR_TaskTerminated_,
SCAR_Canceled = 2 | _SCAR_TaskTerminated_,
SCAR_Failed = 3 | _SCAR_TaskTerminated_
} |
| SmartConnect Async operation result. More...
enum | LocalDeviceNotificationTypes {
BLDNT_NewDuplicateNumber = 0,
BLDNT_FixedDuplicateConflict = 1,
BLDNT_Activated = 2,
BLDNT_Deactivated = 3,
BLDNT_NoMoreFreeDuplicate = 4,
BLDNT_RootNotFound = 5,
BLDNT_CustomNameChanged = 6,
BLDNT_DuplicateModeChanged = 7,
BLDNT_DataConsumedOnMIDISys = 8,
BLDNT_FlowControlReadyToSend = 9,
BLDNT_FlowControlNotReadyToSend = 10
} |
| Notification types related to base local devices. Used by the LocalDevice notification handler to inform the application. More...
enum | ClockGeneratorCommands { CGC_RunFromStart = 0x01,
CGC_Stop = 0x02,
CGC_Run = 0x03
} |
| Clock generator commands. More...
enum | ClockCommands {
CC_RunFromStart = 0x01,
CC_Stop = 0x02,
CC_Run = 0x03,
CC_SetPositionTrigger = 0x06,
CC_FillIn = 0x07,
CC_StateOn = 0x08,
CC_StateOff = 0x09
} |
| Clock commands. See NH_INPUT_CLOCKCOMMAND. More...
enum | MessageTypes { MT_None = 0x0000,
MT_Modifier = 0x0001,
MT_Selector = 0x0002,
MT_Text = 0x0004
} |
| Message types. More...
enum | ControllerAssignReasons {
CAR_FromApplication = 0x00,
CAR_SmartConnect = 0x01,
CAR_Learning = 0x02,
CAR_RemoteAssign = 0x03,
CAR_Unassign = 0x04,
CAR_TargetRemoved = 0x05,
CAR_SnapshotRecall = 0x06
} |
| Controller assignment reasons. More...
enum | ControllerSendModes { CSM_Absolute = 0x00,
CSM_Relative = 0x01,
CSM_RelativeOneWay = 0x02,
CSM_Proportional = 0x03
} |
| Tells how to send the value. More...
enum | ControllerTypes {
CT_MsgMod = MT_Modifier << 12,
CT_MsgSel = MT_Selector << 12,
CT_MsgTxt = MT_Text << 12,
_CT_MsgFlagsMask_ = 0xF000,
_CT_NeedleBalistics_ = 0x0010 | 0x0400,
_CT_Peak_ = 0x0020 | 0x0400,
_CT_Bipolar_ = 0x0040,
_CT_Reverse_ = 0x0080,
_CT_Relative_ = 0x0100,
_CT_Zero_ = 0x0200,
_CT_Monitor_ = 0x0400,
_CT_OptionFlagsMask_ = 0x0FF0,
CT_XWheel = 0x0001,
CT_XWheelZero = 0x0001 | _CT_Zero_,
CT_YWheel = 0x0002,
CT_YWheelZero = 0x0002 | _CT_Zero_,
CT_Knob = 0x0003,
CT_Encoder = 0x0003 | _CT_Relative_,
CT_XSlider = 0x0004,
CT_YSlider = 0x0005,
CT_ZSlider = 0x0006,
CT_PushButton = 0x0007,
CT_PlusMinusButton = 0x0007 | _CT_Relative_,
CT_Text = 0x0008,
CT_List = 0x0009,
CT_PedalSwitch = 0x000A,
CT_PedalContinue = 0x000B,
_CT_ControllerBaseTypeMask_ = 0x003F,
CT_RingMeter = 0x0003 | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_MeterX = 0x0004 | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_MeterXPeak = 0x0004 | _CT_Peak_ | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_MeterY = 0x0005 | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_MeterYPeak = 0x0005 | _CT_Peak_ | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_Galvanometer = 0x0006 | _CT_NeedleBalistics_ | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_Label = 0x0008 | _CT_Monitor_,
CT_Led = 0x000A | _CT_Monitor_,
_CT_MonitorBaseTypeMask_ = 0x000F,
CT_None = 0x0000
} |
| Controller types It is composed of the supported message types and the physical controller description. This combination of values can be handled by CPNS::CombinedControllerTypes. More...
enum | CHAINotificationTypes {
CNT_Connected = 0,
CNT_Disconnected = 1,
CNT_LocalFixedDuplicateConflict = 2,
CNT_LocalDuplicateChanged = 3,
CNT_NetworkStable = 4,
CNT_NetworkChanged = 5,
CNT_VNMNotEnoughMemory = 6,
CNT_VNMNotCompatible = 7,
CNT_GroupsChanged = 8,
CNT_GlobalLearningModeRunning = 10,
CNT_GlobalLearningModeLeaved = 11,
CNT_SnapshotSavingRunning = 14,
CNT_SnapshotRestoreRunning = 15,
CNT_SnapshotSavingComplete = 16,
CNT_SnapshotRestoreComplete = 17,
CNT_InvalidKey = 18,
CNT_InternalError = 99
} |
| Notifications types for CHAI Used by the CHAI notification handler to inform the application. More...
enum | DataConsumeModes { DCM_NoDestination,
} |
| DataConsume modes. More...
enum | DataTransferNumbers { DTN_CustomZoneStop = 0x8000,
DTN_CustomZoneStart = 0xFFFD,
DTN_None = 0xFFFE,
DTN_Any = 0xFFFF
} |
| Data transfer message numbers. Used to identify a data transfer message. More...
enum | DataTypes {
DT_Knob16 = 0x0000,
DT_MKZ16 = 0x0001,
DT_UNS16 = 0x0002,
DT_UNS32 = 0x1002,
DT_UNS64 = 0x2002,
DT_SIG16 = 0x0003,
DT_SIG32 = 0x1003,
DT_SIG64 = 0x2003,
DT_FP16 = 0x0004,
DT_FP32 = 0x1004,
DT_FP64 = 0x2004,
DT_PER16 = 0x0005,
DT_PER32 = 0x1005,
DT_PIT16 = 0x0006,
DT_RPIT16 = 0x0007,
DT_TIME32 = 0x1008,
DT_TIME64 = 0x2008,
DT_SPAN32 = 0x1009,
DT_SPAN64 = 0x2009,
DT_FRQ16 = 0x000B,
DT_FRQ32 = 0x100B,
DT_720SA16 = 0x000A,
DT_360A16 = 0x000C,
DT_180A16 = 0x000D,
DT_SR32 = 0x100E,
DT_BPM16 = 0x0011,
DT_DC16 = 0x0012,
DT_MOV16 = 0x0013,
DT_DBU16 = 0x0014,
DT_CUST16 = 0x00FF,
DT_CUST32 = 0x10FF,
DT_CUST64 = 0x20FF,
DTF_BipolarRawValue = 0x0800,
_DT_LengthMask_ = 0xF000,
DTL_16 = 0x0000,
DTL_32 = 0x1000,
DTL_64 = 0x2000
} |
| CopperLan Data types Data Types are used to identify numeric value format. More...
enum | DeviceCapabilities {
DC_None = 0x00000000,
DC_Hidden = 0x00000001,
DC_CHAI = 0x80000000,
DC_CP2MIDI = 0x40000000,
DC_MIDI2CP = 0x20000000,
DC_SupportSnapshot = 0x08000000,
DC_SupportInternalSnapshot = 0x04000000,
DC_Parent = 0x02000000,
DC_SharedDisplay = 0x01000000,
DC_Controllers = 0x00800000,
DC_SmartConnectTarget = 0x00400000,
DC_CPMusic = 0x00080000,
DC_VMIDILink = 0x00040000,
DC_Instrument = 0x00020000,
DC_Percussion = 0x00010000,
DC_Effect = 0x00008000
} |
| Device capabilities It can be used for device filtering during enumeration. This combination of values can be handled by CPNS::CombinedDeviceCapabilities. More...
enum | ExtendedDeviceCapabilities {
EDC_None = 0x00000000,
_EDC_CategoryFieldMask_ = 0x0F800000,
_EDC_CategoryMask_ = 0x0E000000,
_EDC_SubCategoryFieldMask_ = 0x007F0000,
EDC_Embedded = 0x00000001,
EDC_FlowControl = 0x00000002,
EDC_SupportsNameGenericChange = 0x00000004,
EDC_SupportsDuplicateGenericChange = 0x00000008,
EDC_SupportsGroupsGenericChange = 0x00000010,
_EDC_Category_Controller_ = 0x00800000,
_EDC_Category_Target_ = 0x01000000,
_EDC_Instrument_ = 0x00000000,
EDC_InstrumentController = (_EDC_Instrument_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_InstrumentTarget = (_EDC_Instrument_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_InstrumentControllerTarget = (_EDC_Instrument_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_Percussion_ = 0x02000000,
EDC_PercussionController = (_EDC_Percussion_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_PercussionTarget = (_EDC_Percussion_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_PercussionControllerTarget = (_EDC_Percussion_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_Effect_ = 0x04000000,
EDC_EffectController = (_EDC_Effect_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_EffectTarget = (_EDC_Effect_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_EffectControllerTarget = (_EDC_Effect_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_SoundProduction_ = 0x06000000,
EDC_SoundProductionController = (_EDC_SoundProduction_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_SoundProductionTarget = (_EDC_SoundProduction_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_SoundProductionControllerTarget = (_EDC_SoundProduction_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_PublicAddress_ = 0x08000000,
EDC_PublicAddressController = (_EDC_PublicAddress_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_PublicAddressTarget = (_EDC_PublicAddress_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_PublicAddressControllerTarget = (_EDC_PublicAddress_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_Lighting = 0x0A000000,
EDC_LightingController = (_EDC_Lighting + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_LightingTarget = (_EDC_Lighting + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_LightingControllerTarget = (_EDC_Lighting + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_Theatrical_ = 0x0C000000,
EDC_TheatricalController = (_EDC_Theatrical_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_TheatricalTarget = (_EDC_Theatrical_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_TheatricalControllerTarget = (_EDC_Theatrical_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
_EDC_System_ = 0x0E000000,
EDC_SystemController = (_EDC_System_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_),
EDC_SystemTarget = (_EDC_System_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_SystemControllerTarget = (_EDC_System_ + _EDC_Category_Controller_ + _EDC_Category_Target_),
EDC_Sub_None = 0x00000000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_AccBassDrum = 0x00010000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_BassDrum = 0x00020000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_SideStick = 0x00030000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_AccSnare = 0x00040000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HandClap = 0x00050000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_ElecSnare = 0x00060000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowFloorTom = 0x00070000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HiHat = 0x00080000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HighFloorTom = 0x00090000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowTom = 0x000B0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowMidTom = 0x000D0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HiMidTom = 0x000E0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_CrashCymbal1 = 0x000F0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HighTom = 0x00100000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_RideCymbal1 = 0x00110000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_ChineseCymbal = 0x00120000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_RideBell = 0x00130000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Tambourine = 0x00140000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_SplashCymbal = 0x00150000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Cowbell = 0x00160000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_CrashCymbal2 = 0x00170000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Vibraslap = 0x00180000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_RideCymbal2 = 0x00190000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HiBongo = 0x001A0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowBongo = 0x001B0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_MuteHiConga = 0x001C0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_OpenHiConga = 0x001D0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowConga = 0x001E0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HighTimbale = 0x001F0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowTimbale = 0x00200000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HighAgogo = 0x00210000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LowAgogo = 0x00220000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Cabasa = 0x00230000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Maracas = 0x00240000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_ShortWhistle = 0x00250000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LongWhistle = 0x00260000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_ShortGuiro = 0x00270000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_LongGuiro = 0x00280000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_Claves = 0x00290000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_HiWoodBlock = 0x002B0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_MuteCuica = 0x002C0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_OpenCuica = 0x002D0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_MuteTriangle = 0x002E0000,
EDC_SubPerf_Perc_OpenTriangle = 0x002F0000
} |
| Extended device capabilities It can not be used for device enumeration filtering. More...
enum | DeviceDeclarationNotificationTypes { DDNT_DeviceDeclared = 0,
DDNT_DeviceModified = 1,
DDNT_DeviceRedeclared = 2
} |
| Notification types related to device declaration. Used by the CHAI notification handler to inform the application about device declaration/modification. More...
enum | DeviceDiscardedReasons {
DDR_None = 0x00,
DDR_FixedDuplicateConflict = 0x01,
DDR_LinkClosed = 0x02,
DDR_DeviceRemoved = 0x03,
DDR_LinkLost = 0x04,
DDR_LocalFixedDuplicateConflict = 0x10,
DDR_Timeout = 0x11,
DDR_TooManyNodesInDeviceTable = 0x12,
DDR_DuplicateNotUnique = 0x13,
DDR_CannotModifyDevice = 0x20,
DDR_CannotRemoveDevice = 0x21,
DDR_CannotDeclareDevice = 0x22,
DDR_DeviceNotFound = 0x30,
DDR_DeviceMachineNotFound = 0x31
} |
| Notifications types related to device discarding Used by the CHAI notification handler to inform the application about device removal from the network. More...
enum | DeviceNameFormats {
DNF_None = 0x0000,
DNF_Auto = 0x0001,
DNF_ModelDuplicate = 0x0002,
DNF_CustomName = 0x0003,
DNF_Brand = 0x0004,
DNF_Model = 0x0005,
DNF_Machine = 0x0006,
DNF_BrandModelDuplicate = 0x0007
} |
| Device name formats. Used during a LocalDevice_GetName or RemoteDevice_GetName_Async call to specify the requested name. More...
enum | DeviceProperties {
DP_None = 0x0000,
DPS_CHAIVNMVersions = 0x0001,
DPS_Path = 0x0002,
DPS_BrandName = 0x0003,
DPS_ModelName = 0x0004,
DPS_MAC = 0x0005,
DPS_Platform = 0x0006,
DPN_GetNumInputs = 0x0080,
DPN_GetNumOutputs = 0x0081,
DPN_GetNumDestinations = 0x0082,
DPN_GetNumRecordingDestinations = 0x0083,
DPN_BranchHasDestinations = 0x0084,
DPN_VNMVersion = 0x0085,
DPN_CHAIVersion = 0x0086,
DPN_DuplicateMode = 0x0087,
DPN_GetNumControllers = 0x0088,
_DP_MaxSystemProperties_ = 0x00FF,
DPS_SerialNumber = 0x0100,
DPS_FirmwareVersion = 0x0101,
DPS_Description = 0x0102,
DPS_ApplicationVersion = 0x0103,
DPS_SupportContact = 0x0104,
DPN_ParamSetUID = 0x4000,
DPN_SlotID = 0x4001,
DP_CustomZoneStop = 0x8000,
DP_CustomZoneStart = 0xFFFD
} |
| Device properties. More...
enum | DuplicateModes { DM_Fixed = 0,
DM_Auto = 1,
DM_Special_KeepValue = 0xFF
} |
| Duplicate resolution modes. More...
enum | Errors {
ERR_None = 0,
ERR_Failed = 1,
ERR_ItemNotFound = 2,
ERR_BadSignature = 3,
ERR_Delayed = 4,
ERR_InvalidLength = 5,
ERR_InvalidArgument = 6,
ERR_NotSupported = 7,
ERR_NoMoreRoom = 8,
ERR_BadRequestID = 9,
ERR_InvalidCall = 10,
ERR_BufferOverflow = 11,
ERR_MissingNotificationHandler = 12,
ERR_SentToNotYetValidatedDestination = 13,
ERR_Canceled = 14,
ERR_BadVersion = 15,
ERR_InvalidOutputID = 16,
ERR_InvalidType = 17,
ERR_InvalidStatus = 18,
ERR_TooManyData = 19,
ERR_BadSignalType = 20,
ERR_NoDestination = 21,
ERR_NotEnoughMemory = 22,
ERR_TooManyDestinations = 23,
ERR_TooManyRecordingDestinations = 24,
ERR_SnapshotInProgress = 25,
ERR_BufferTooSmall = 26,
ERR_InvalidDevice = 27,
ERR_Timeout = 28,
ERR_InvalidValue = 29,
ERR_NotReadyToSend = 30,
ERR_GlobalLearningRunning = 31,
ERR_NotSmartConnectSource = 32,
ERR_NotSmartConnectTarget = 33,
ERR_SmartConnectAlreadyRunning = 34,
ERR_NoSmartConnectSessionRunning = 35,
ERR_MessageDontSupportMulticast = 36,
ERR_OutOfRange = 37,
ERR_InvalidEndpoint = 38,
ERR_BadSessionID = 39,
ERR_DeclaringDevices = 40,
ERR_NoSource = 41,
ERR_InvalidName = 42
} |
| CHAI Error codes Used with CLC_ErrorCode for value from 0 to 0xFF. More...
enum | EventGateModes {
EGM_GateNone = 0x00,
EGM_GateDamp = 0x01,
EGM_GateOff = 0x02,
EGM_GateOn = 0x10,
EGM_GateRestart = 0x11,
EGM_T_On = 0x12,
EGM_T_Restart = 0x13
} |
| Event message Gate modes. More...
enum | EventWaveBoundaries { EWB_Start = 0x0000,
EWB_Loop = 0x0800,
EWB_Full = 0x1000,
EWB_X = 0x1800
} |
| Event Wave Settings boundaries. More...
enum | ExplorationCommands {
_EC_None_ = 0,
EC_FindFirst = 0x01,
EC_FindNext = 0x02,
EC_FindPrev = 0x03,
EC_FindLast = 0x04,
EC_Get = 0x05
} |
| Exploration commands. More...
enum | FindDeviceOptions { FDO_None = 0x0000,
FDO_NoHierarchy = 0x0001,
FDO_LocalSearch = 0x0002
} |
| Device finding flags, can be combined. More...
enum | GlobalTimerNotificationFlags {
GTNF_None = 0x0000,
GTNF_250ms = 0x0001,
GTNF_500ms = 0x0002,
GTNF_1s = 0x0004,
GTNF_5s = 0x0008,
GTNF_10s = 0x0010,
GTNF_Blink500msOn = 0x2000,
GTNF_Blink500msOff = 0x4000
} |
| Flags for CHAI's global timer notification handler. Used by the CHAI's global timer notification handler to inform the application. More...
enum | ISCCauses { ISCC_NewSource = 0x00,
ISCC_SourceLost = 0x01
} |
| Input source change causes Used by the IInput notification handler to inform the application. More...
enum | InOutCapabilities {
IOC_None = 0x00000000,
IOC_Msg_Event = 0x00000001,
_IOC_Msg_Reserved_ = 0x00000002,
IOC_Msg_Modifier = 0x00000004,
IOC_Msg_Selector = 0x00000008,
IOC_Msg_DataTransfer = 0x00000010,
IOC_Msg_Text = 0x00000020,
_IOC_MsgMask_ = 0x00000FFF,
IOC_Hidden = 0x00010000,
IOC_Transaction = 0x00020000,
IOC_ClockControl = 0x00080000,
IC_ClockListener = 0x00008000,
IC_HasParameters = 0x00040000,
OC_ClockGenerator = 0x00008000,
OC_Controller = 0x00040000,
_IOC_SpecialMask_ = 0x000FF000,
IC_Recording = 0x00100000,
IC_NoDataConsumed = 0x00200000,
OC_Locked = 0x01000000,
OC_NoRefresh = 0x02000000,
OC_SingleTarget = 0x04000000,
_IOC_OverlapMask_ = 0x0FF00000,
IOC_TimeStamp = 0x10000000,
IOC_TimeStampPreprocess = 0x30000000,
_IOC_TimeStampMask_ = 0x30000000,
IOC_MIDISys = 0x40000000,
IOC_MIDIChannel = 0x80000000,
_IOC_MIDIMask_ = 0xC0000000
} |
| Input & Output capabilities. More...
enum | MIDICCModes { MCCM_MSB = 0x00,
} |
| MIDI Control Change MSB/LSB mode. More...
enum | MIDI2CPOutputIDs {
M2COID_Clock = 0,
M2COID_Sys = 1,
M2COID_Ch1 = 2,
M2COID_Ch2 = 3,
M2COID_Ch3 = 4,
M2COID_Ch4 = 5,
M2COID_Ch5 = 6,
M2COID_Ch6 = 7,
M2COID_Ch7 = 8,
M2COID_Ch8 = 9,
M2COID_Ch9 = 10,
M2COID_Ch10 = 11,
M2COID_Ch11 = 12,
M2COID_Ch12 = 13,
M2COID_Ch13 = 14,
M2COID_Ch14 = 15,
M2COID_Ch15 = 16,
M2COID_Ch16 = 17
} |
| MIDI to CopperLan output IDs Available for CPNS::IMIDI2CPLocalDevice and CPNS::IHybridMIDILocalDevice. More...
enum | CP2MIDIInputIDs {
C2MIID_ClockSys = 0,
C2MIID_Ch1 = 1,
C2MIID_Ch2 = 2,
C2MIID_Ch3 = 3,
C2MIID_Ch4 = 4,
C2MIID_Ch5 = 5,
C2MIID_Ch6 = 6,
C2MIID_Ch7 = 7,
C2MIID_Ch8 = 8,
C2MIID_Ch9 = 9,
C2MIID_Ch10 = 10,
C2MIID_Ch11 = 11,
C2MIID_Ch12 = 12,
C2MIID_Ch13 = 13,
C2MIID_Ch14 = 14,
C2MIID_Ch15 = 15,
C2MIID_Ch16 = 16
} |
| CopperLan to MIDI input IDs Available for CPNS::ICP2MIDILocalDevice and CPNS::IHybridMIDILocalDevice. More...
enum | Modifiers {
MOD_Modulation = 0x0001,
MOD_BreathControl = 0x0002,
MOD_FootControl = 0x0004,
MOD_PortamentoTime = 0x0005,
MOD_SectionLevel = 0x0007,
MOD_Balance = 0x0008,
MOD_Pan = 0x000A,
MOD_SwellExpression = 0x000B,
MOD_Hold = 0x0040,
MOD_Sostenuto = 0x0042,
MOD_SoftUnacorda = 0x0043,
MOD_EnvelopeReleaseTime = 0x0048,
MOD_EnvelopeAttackTime = 0x0049,
MOD_Brightness = 0x004A,
MOD_EffectBalance = 0x005B,
MOD_TremoloDepth = 0x005C,
MOD_Pressure = 0x0080,
MOD_PitchWheel = 0x0081,
MOD_DiscCoordinates = 0x0082,
MOD_XPadRibbonPosition = 0x0083,
MOD_YPadPosition = 0x0084,
MOD_Distance = 0x0085,
MOD_Torsion = 0x0086,
MOD_Pitch = 0x0087,
MOD_Roll = 0x0088,
MOD_Yaw = 0x0089,
MOD_Pinch = 0x008A,
MOD_AuxiliaryAlteration = 0x008B,
MOD_GForce = 0x008C,
MOD_Tension = 0x008D,
MOD_ActuatorHardness = 0x008E,
MOD_Muting = 0x008F,
MOD_Displacement = 0x0090,
MOD_LateralTouch = 0x0091,
MOD_Tuning = 0x00A0,
MOD_Transpose = 0x00A1,
MOD_Octave = 0x00A2,
MOD_SectionCoarsePitch = 0x00A3,
MOD_SectionMediumPitch = 0x00A4,
MOD_SectionFinePitch = 0x00A5,
MOD_OscillatorCoarsePitch = 0x00A6,
MOD_OscillatorMediumPitch = 0x00A7,
MOD_OscillatorFinePitch = 0x00A8,
MOD_ResonatingLength = 0x00AE,
MOD_OscillatorFrequency = 0x00AF,
MOD_UnisonSpread = 0x00B0,
MOD_VoicePitchRandomness = 0x00B1,
MOD_OscillatorMelodyTracking = 0x00B2,
MOD_SectionMelodyTracking = 0x00B3,
MOD_SubGroupLevel = 0x00D0,
MOD_AuxiliarySend = 0x00D1,
MOD_MonitorSend = 0x00D2,
MOD_EffectSend = 0x00D3,
MOD_ProportionalLevel_XFade = 0x00D4,
MOD_DualAntagonistLevels = 0x00D5,
MOD_EffectFeedback = 0x00D6,
MOD_VCABypass = 0x00D8,
MOD_StereoWidth = 0x00DA,
MOD_LFOSpeed = 0x00E0,
MOD_LFOWaveAlteration1PWM = 0x00E1,
MOD_LFOWaveAlteration2 = 0x00E2,
MOD_LFODelay = 0x00E3,
MOD_LFOSlope = 0x00E4,
MOD_LFOInitialPhaseStart = 0x00E5,
MOD_LFOPhaseLoopPoint = 0x00E6,
MOD_LFOLevelClipping = 0x00E7,
MOD_LFONormalizedClipping = 0x00E8,
MOD_LFOCycleRandomness = 0x00E9,
MOD_LFORelativePhase = 0x00EB,
MOD_RotarySpeed = 0x00EE,
MOD_FilterCutoffFrequency = 0x00F0,
MOD_FilterResonanceQFactor = 0x00F1,
MOD_FilterBandwidth = 0x00F2,
MOD_FilterFeedback = 0x00F3,
MOD_FilterMelodyTracking = 0x00F4,
MOD_Dynamics = 0x00F8,
MOD_WaveShaping1PWM = 0x00F9,
MOD_WaveShaping2 = 0x00FA,
MOD_WavePhase = 0x00FE,
MOD_NoiseColor = 0x00FF,
MOD_Aliasing = 0x0100,
MOD_ArpeggioPositionRandomness = 0x0109,
MOD_ArpeggioRange = 0x010A,
MOD_ApreggioFirstNote = 0x010B,
MOD_ArpeggioPitchRandomness = 0x010C,
MOD_GateDuration = 0x010F,
MOD_Tempo = 0x0110,
MOD_Squeeze = 0x0111,
MOD_Stretch = 0x0112,
MOD_SqueezeStretch = 0x0113,
MOD_Unassigned = 0x0120,
MOD_AutomationSmoothingTimeControl = 0x0130,
MOD_AutomationSmoothingSlopeControl = 0x0131,
MOD_EnvelopeStartLevel = 0x0140,
MOD_EnvelopePreAttackLevel = 0x0141,
MOD_EnvelopeAttackLevel = 0x0142,
MOD_EnvelopeSustainLevel = 0x0143,
MOD_EnvelopeReleaseLevel = 0x0144,
MOD_EnvelopeRelease2Level = 0x0145,
MOD_EnvelopePreAttackTime = 0x0147,
MOD_EnvelopeDecayTime = 0x014A,
MOD_EnvelopeRelease2Time = 0x014B,
MOD_ModulatorAmplitude = 0x0168,
MOD_ToneZoneLow = 0x016B,
MOD_ToneZoneHigh = 0x016C,
MOD_HornMinimumSpeed = 0x0170,
MOD_HornMaximumSpeed = 0x0171,
MOD_HornBrakeTime = 0x0172,
MOD_BassMinimumSpeed = 0x0173,
MOD_BassMaximumSpeed = 0x0174,
MOD_BassBrakeTime = 0x0175,
MOD_HornAccelerationTime = 0x0176,
MOD_BassAccelerationTime = 0x0177,
MOD_PercussionHarmonics = 0x017A,
MOD_PercussionLevel = 0x017B,
MOD_PercussionDecayTime = 0x017C,
MOD_LeakageLevel = 0x017D,
MOD_KeyClickLevel = 0x017E,
MOD_Overdrive = 0x0190,
MOD_DMXChannel = 0x0200,
MOD_PressureToFilterFrequency = 0x0202,
MOD_PressureToLevel = 0x0203,
MOD_OscillatorToOscillatorModulation = 0x0207,
MOD_OscillatorSelfModulation = 0x0208,
MOD_WaveToFilter = 0x020A,
MOD_EnvelopeToOscillatorFrequency = 0x0210,
MOD_EnvelopeToOscillatorWaveshape = 0x0211,
MOD_EnvelopeToFilterFrequency = 0x0212,
MOD_LFOToOscillatorFrequency = 0x0218,
MOD_LFOToOscillatorWaveshape = 0x0219,
MOD_LFOToFilterFrequency = 0x021A,
MOD_CustomZoneStop = 0x8000,
MOD_CustomZoneStart = 0xFFFD,
MOD_None = 0xFFFE,
MOD_Any = 0xFFFF
} |
| Modifiers numbers. More...
enum | ModifierInformationProfiles {
MIP_None = 0x0000,
_MIP_DM_Mask_ = 0x0007,
MIP_DM_Normal = 0x0000,
MIP_DM_Peak = 0x0001,
MIP_DM_VU = 0x0002,
MIP_SupportVoiceID = 0x0010,
MIP_SupportAutomation = 0x0020,
MIP_SupportMorphing = 0x0040,
MIP_SupportPreLoad = 0x0080,
MIP_SupportTransaction = 0x0100,
MIP_Monitor = 0x0200,
MIP_Bipolar = 0x0400,
MIP_ExpandIndexedParameters = 0x0800,
MIP_Reverse = 0x1000,
MIP_Administrator = 0x2000,
MIP_ReadOnly = 0x4000
} |
| Modifier information profiles. More...
enum | ObjectTypes {
_OT_HookedObjectFlag_ = 0x8000,
_OT_ClassMask_ = 0x7F00,
_OT_SubtypeMask_ = 0x00FF,
_OT_GeneralClass_ = 0x0000,
_OT_LocalDeviceClass_ = 0x0100,
_OT_MessageClass_ = 0x0200,
_OT_InternalClass_ = 0x7F00,
OT_Chai = 0x0000 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_RemoteDevice = 0x0001 | _OT_GeneralClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_DeviceEnumerationContext = 0x0002 | _OT_GeneralClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_Output = 0x0003 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_Input = 0x0004 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_Pipe = 0x0005 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_Controller = 0x0006 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_Parameter = 0x0007 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_Timer = 0x0008 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_IndexList = 0x0009 | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_SelectorItemList = 0x000A | _OT_GeneralClass_,
OT_ListID = 0x000B | _OT_GeneralClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_LocalDevice = 0x0000 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_MIDI2CPLocalDevice = 0x0001 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_CP2MIDILocalDevice = 0x0002 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_HybridMIDILocalDevice = 0x0003 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_SharedDisplayLocalDevice = 0x0004 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_SharedDisplayClientLocalDevice = 0x0005 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_VMIDILinkInLocalDevice = 0x0006 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_VMIDILinkOutLocalDevice = 0x0007 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_VMIDILinkHybridLocalDevice = 0x0008 | _OT_LocalDeviceClass_,
OT_EventMessage = 0x0000 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_ModifierMessage = 0x0001 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_SelectorMessage = 0x0002 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_DataTransferMessage = 0x0003 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_MIDISysexMessage = 0x0004 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_DiagnosticTimingMessage = 0x0005 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_,
OT_TextMessage = 0x0006 | _OT_MessageClass_ | _OT_HookedObjectFlag_
} |
| Object types. More...
enum | ODCOperations {
ODCO_Added = 0x0000,
ODCO_Removed = 0x0001,
ODCO_Disabled = 0x0002,
ODCO_Enabled = 0x0003,
ODCO_DisabledRemoved = 0x0004,
ODCO_AllDestinationsCleared = 0x0005,
ODCO_RecAdded = 0x1000,
ODCO_RecRemoved = 0x1001,
ODCO_RecDisabled = 0x1002,
ODCO_RecEnabled = 0x1003,
ODCO_RecDisabledRemoved = 0x1004,
ODCO_RecAllDestinationCleared = 0x1005
} |
| Operations for Output Destination Change notification. More...
enum | PerformanceMessageAutomationStates { PMAS_Manual = 0x00,
PMAS_Read = 0x01,
PMAS_Write = 0x02,
PMAS_Reserved = 0x03
} |
| Automation states. More...
enum | PerformanceMessageSources { PMS_Knob = 0x00,
PMS_Typed = 0x02,
PMS_Modulator = 0x03
} |
| Performance message source. More...
enum | RefreshValueAttributes {
RVA_None = 0x0000,
RVA_Password = 0x0001,
RVA_Hidden = 0x0002,
RVA_Disabled = 0x0004,
RVA_Enabled = 0x0008,
RVA_Blink = 0x0010,
RVA_EnableMoveDown = 0x0020,
RVA_EnableMoveUp = 0x0040,
RVA_ProbablyOutOfSync = 0x4000,
RVA_ValidForLearning = 0x8000
} |
| Refresh current value attributes. More...
enum | RelativeMode { RM_Absolute = 0,
RM_Relative = 1,
RM_RelativeOneWay = 2
} |
| Message value relative modes. More...
enum | Selectors {
SEL_BankSelect = 0x0000,
SEL_PortamentoSwitch = 0x0041,
SEL_Legato = 0x0044,
SEL_AllSoundOff = 0x0078,
SEL_ResetAllControllers = 0x0079,
SEL_LocalControl = 0x007A,
SEL_AllNoteOff = 0x007B,
SEL_OmniModeOff = 0x007C,
SEL_OmniModeOn = 0x007D,
SEL_MonoModeOn = 0x007E,
SEL_PolyModeOn = 0x007F,
SEL_Touch = 0x0085,
SEL_SectionOctave = 0x00A3,
SEL_SectionQuarterTone = 0x00A4,
SEL_SectionSemitone = 0x00A5,
SEL_OscillatorOctave = 0x00A6,
SEL_OscillatorQuarterTone = 0x00A7,
SEL_OscillatorSemitone = 0x00A8,
SEL_OscillatorSynchronization = 0x00AA,
SEL_Unison = 0x00B0,
SEL_Enable = 0x00D7,
SEL_Bypass = 0x00D8,
SEL_LFOControl = 0x00E0,
SEL_LFOWaveSelect = 0x00E1,
SEL_LFOSync = 0x00E2,
SEL_RotarySpeed = 0x00EE,
SEL_FilterArchitecture = 0x00F0,
SEL_FilterSlope = 0x00F1,
SEL_FilterType = 0x00F2,
SEL_Waveform = 0x00F9,
SEL_Wavetable = 0x00FA,
SEL_PitchWheelQuantizing = 0x0100,
SEL_ToneQuantizing = 0x0101,
SEL_OverallPitchQuantizing = 0x0102,
SEL_PortamentoCurve = 0x0105,
SEL_PortamentoTimeMode = 0x0106,
SEL_ArpeggioMode = 0x0109,
SEL_ArpeggioPatternSelect = 0x010A,
SEL_ArpeggioRange = 0x010B,
SEL_ArpeggioLatch = 0x010C,
SEL_PlayDirection = 0x0114,
SEL_Unassigned = 0x0120,
SEL_IndexSetting = 0x0121,
SEL_ModifierSetting = 0x0122,
SEL_SelectorSetting = 0x0123,
SEL_EnvelopeDecayReleaseSwitch = 0x0144,
SEL_ProgramSelAndLoad = 0x0160,
SEL_ProgramFamily = 0x0161,
SEL_ProgramLibrary = 0x0162,
SEL_ProgramSel = 0x0163,
SEL_ModulationSource = 0x0168,
SEL_ModulationDestination = 0x0169,
SEL_VoicingMode = 0x016A,
SEL_VoiceControl = 0x016B,
SEL_PolyphonyLimit = 0x016C,
SEL_Save = 0x0170,
SEL_Load = 0x0171,
SEL_Delete = 0x0172,
SEL_Default = 0x0173,
SEL_PercussionSwitch = 0x017B,
SEL_LeakageSwitch = 0x017D,
SEL_KeyClickSwitch = 0x017E,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch1 = 0x0180,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch2 = 0x0181,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch3 = 0x0182,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch4 = 0x0183,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch5 = 0x0184,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch6 = 0x0185,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch7 = 0x0186,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch8 = 0x0187,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch9 = 0x0188,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch10 = 0x0189,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch11 = 0x018A,
SEL_OrganStopSwitch12 = 0x018B,
SEL_MTC = 0x0209,
SEL_SongPositionPointer = 0x020A,
SEL_SongSelect = 0x020B,
SEL_TuneRequest = 0x020E,
SEL_MIDIDrumNote = 0x020F,
SEL_DHCPMode = 0x0300,
SEL_SamplingRate = 0x0400,
SEL_BitDepth = 0x0401,
SEL_ChannelCount = 0x0402,
SEL_SourceStream = 0x0403,
SEL_SourceChannel = 0x0404,
SEL_CustomZoneStop = 0x8000,
SEL_CustomZoneStart = 0xFFFD,
SEL_None = 0xFFFE,
SEL_Any = 0xFFFF
} |
| Selectors numbers. More...
enum | SelectorInformationProfiles {
SIP_None = 0x0000,
SIP_SupportVoiceID = 0x0010,
SIP_SupportAutomation = 0x0020,
SIP_SupportMorphing = 0x0040,
SIP_SupportPreLoad = 0x0080,
SIP_SupportTransaction = 0x0100,
SIP_Monitor = 0x0200,
SIP_StaticList = 0x0400,
SIP_ExpandIndexedParameters = 0x0800,
SIP_GhostValue = 0x1000,
SIP_Administrator = 0x2000,
SIP_ReadOnly = 0x4000
} |
| Selector information profiles This combination of values can be handled by CPNS::CombinedSelectorInformationProfiles. More...
enum | SnapshotModes { SM_None = 0x0000,
SM_Saving = 0x0001,
SM_Restoring = 0x0002
} |
| Currently running Snapshot modes. More...
enum | Signals {
SIGB_Directed = 0x1000,
SIGB_Broadcast = 0x2000,
SIGB_Query = 0x4000,
SIGB_Sys = 0x8000,
_SIBG_Mask_ = 0xF000,
_SIG_NumberMask_ = 0x0FFF,
SIG_AllNoteOff = 0x0000 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_AllSoundOff = 0x0001 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_Busy = 0x0010 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_Ready = 0x0011 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_QReady = 0x0012 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Query,
SIG_PreloadCommit = 0x0013 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_PreloadCancel = 0x0014 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_MoveGUIToFront = 0x0015 | SIGB_Directed,
SIG_LearningCancel = 0x0032 | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_Status = 0x0040 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_QStatus = 0x0041 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Query,
SIG_PlaybackStart = 0x0042 | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_PlaybackEnd = 0x0043 | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_Pause = 0x0100 | SIGB_Directed,
SIG_Resume = 0x0101 | SIGB_Directed,
SIG_Start = 0x0102 | SIGB_Directed,
SIG_Stop = 0x0103 | SIGB_Directed,
SIG_UnlockFlowControl = 0x0210 | SIGB_Directed | SIGB_Broadcast,
SIG_CustomZoneStop = 0x0C00,
SIG_CustomZoneStart = 0x0FFD,
SIG_None = 0xFFFE,
SIG_Any = 0xFFFF
} |
| Signals numbers. More...
enum | SnapshotBlockPriorities {
SBP_None = 0x00,
SBP_Low = 0x40,
SBP_AppLow = 0x80,
SBP_AppMed = 0x90,
SBP_AppHigh = 0xA0,
SBP_High = 0xC0
} |
| Snapshot block priorities. More...
enum | SnapshotTypes {
ST_None = 0x00,
ST_InternalSettings = 0x01,
ST_ApplicationSettings = 0x02,
ST_ApplicationAdditionalData = 0x03,
ST_ApplicationCurrentPreset = 0x04
} |
| Snapshot block types. More...
enum | SharedDisplayCaps { SDC_None = 0x0000,
SDC_CtrlKeys = 0x0001,
SDC_Keyboard = 0x0002
} |
| Shared display capabilities. More...
enum | SharedDisplayCursorTypes { SDCT_None = 0x00,
SDCT_On = 0x01,
SDCT_Blinking = 0x02
} |
| Shared display cursor types. More...
enum | SharedDisplayKeyTypes {
SDKT_None = 0x0000,
SDKT_KeyboardEntry = 0x0001,
SDKT_Enter = 0x0002,
SDKT_Up = 0x0003,
SDKT_Down = 0x0004,
SDKT_Left = 0x0005,
SDKT_Right = 0x0006,
SDKT_Escape = 0x0007,
SDKT_Backspace = 0x0008
} |
| Shared display key types. More...
enum | Texts {
TXT_SLDisplay = 0x0000,
TXT_Status = 0x0080,
TXT_Path = 0x0081,
TXT_DevName = 0x0100,
TXT_SectName = 0x0101,
TXT_ProgramName = 0x0102,
TXT_SeqTrack = 0x0200,
TXT_IPAddress = 0x0300,
TXT_IPMask = 0x0301,
TXT_MultiCastIPAddress = 0x0302,
TXT_MultiCastIPPort = 0x0303,
TXT_ChanStrip = 0x0400,
TXT_MixGroup = 0x0401,
TXT_CustomZoneStop = 0x8000,
TXT_CustomZoneStart = 0xFFFD,
TXT_None = 0xFFFE,
TXT_Any = 0xFFFF
} |
| Texts numbers. More...
enum | TextInformationProfiles {
TIP_None = 0x0000,
TIP_SupportVoiceID = 0x0010,
TIP_SupportAutomation = 0x0020,
TIP_SupportPreLoad = 0x0080,
TIP_SupportTransaction = 0x0100,
TIP_Monitor = 0x0200,
TIP_Title = 0x0400,
TIP_ExpandIndexedParameters = 0x0800,
TIP_RightAlign = 0x1000,
TIP_Administrator = 0x2000,
TIP_ReadOnly = 0x4000,
TIP_Password = 0x8000
} |
| Text information profiles. More...
enum | TimeStampFlags {
TSF_None = 0x0000,
TSF_SongPosition = 0x0001,
TSF_SystemTime = 0x0002,
_TSK_TypeMask_ = 0x7FFF,
TSF_Offline = 0x8000
} |
| Timestamp flags. More...
enum | TransactionModes { TM_TransactionNone = 0x0000,
TM_TransactionStart = 0x4000,
TM_TransactionRunning = 0x8000,
TM_TransactionEnd = 0xC000
} |
| Transaction modes. More...
enum | WarningDomains {
WD_None = 0x0000,
WD_Performance = 0x0001,
WD_SoundProduction = 0x0002,
WD_PublicAddress = 0x0004,
WD_Lighting = 0x0008,
WD_Theatrical = 0x0010,
WD_System = 0x0020,
WD_Network = 0x1000,
WD_CHAI = 0x2000
} |
| Warning domains. More...
enum | WarningCodes {
WCB_Top = 0x0000,
WCB_High = 0x4000,
WCB_Medium = 0x8000,
WCB_Low = 0xC000,
_WCB_Mask_ = 0xC000,
WCC_User = 0x0000,
WCC_Debug = 0x1000,
WCC_VNM = 0x2000,
WCC_CHAI = 0x3000,
_WCC_Mask_ = 0x3000,
WC_OutOfMemory = 0x0000 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Top,
WC_EthernetSendQueueFull = 0x0001 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceiveQueueFull = 0x0002 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetSendFailedAPI = 0x0003 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetSendFailedPacketTooLarge = 0x0004 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetMessageListFull = 0x0005 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetHeaderListFull = 0x0006 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetTooManyRetry = 0x0007 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Low,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedPacketTooSmall = 0x0008 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedPacketTooLarge = 0x0009 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedLoopback = 0x000A | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedACKForNotYetSentMessage = 0x000B | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedACKForUnknownMessage = 0x000C | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedUnknownVersion = 0x000D | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedInvalidCRC = 0x000E | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_EthernetMessageListAlmostFull = 0x000F | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_EthernetMessageListAlmostEmpty = 0x0010 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_EthernetReceiveQueueAlmostFull = 0x0011 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_EthernetReceiveQueueAlmostEmpty = 0x0012 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_EthernetReceivedFailedBadVersion = 0x0013 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_LinkReceiveInvalidCRC = 0x0030 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_LinkReceiveQueueAlmostFull = 0x0031 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_LinkReceiveQueueFull = 0x0032 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_FlowControl = 0x0033 | WCC_VNM | WCB_Medium,
WC_ImpossibleToCreateVMIDI = 0x0034 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_ImpossibleToCreateVMIDILink = 0x0035 | WCC_VNM | WCB_High,
WC_TrashcanIsGrowingOutOfControl = 0x0000 | WCC_CHAI | WCC_Debug,
WC_TaskNumberIsGrowingOutOfControl = 0x0001 | WCC_CHAI | WCC_Debug,
WC_TaskLasting = 0x0002 | WCC_CHAI | WCC_Debug,
WC_TasknoReply = 0x0003 | WCC_CHAI | WCC_Debug,
WC_TooManyDestinations = 0x0100 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_High,
WC_TooManyRecordingDestinations = 0x0101 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_High,
WC_DisabledDestinationRemoved = 0x0102 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_Low,
WC_DisabledRecordingDestinationRemoved = 0x0103 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_Low,
WC_FCManager_BadMethodID = 0x0F00 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_High,
WC_ContextManagerNHQueueAlmostFull = 0x0F01 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_Medium,
WC_ContextManagerNHQueueFull = 0x0F02 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_High,
WC_ContextManagerARHQueueAlmostFull = 0x0F03 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_Medium,
WC_ContextManagerARHQueueFull = 0x0F04 | WCC_CHAI | WCB_High,
_WC_NumberMask_ = 0x0FFF
} |
| Warning codes. More...