CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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CLC_Fct_Input.h File Reference

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Event handling
CLC_ErrorCode Input_RegisterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Register notification handler for the specified input. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_UnregisterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Unregister notification handler for the specified input. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_RegisterClockListenerControlNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Register Clock Listener Control notification handler for the specified input. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_UnregisterClockListenerControlNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Unregister Clock Listener Control notification handler for the specified input. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_RegisterParameterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Register a Parameter notification handler. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_UnregisterParameterNotificationHandler (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Unregister a Parameter notification handler. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_ActivateMessageTimestamp (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPBOOLEAN const fTimestamp)
 Activate or deactivate timestamps in the message reception additional message informations (See notifications NH_INPUT_MESSAGE, NH_INPUT_EVENTMESSAGE, ...). Default is FALSE. More...
Input Identity Handling
CLC_ErrorCode Input_GetInfo (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPINPUTINFO *const pInputInfo)
 Get Input Informations. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_GetName (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const **const putf8Name)
 Get the input name. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_SetName (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name)
 Set the input name. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_GetPath (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const **const putf8Path)
 Get the input path. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_SetSectionID (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPSECTIONID const *const pSectionID)
 Set the input Section ID. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_SetCapabilities (CPHOBJECT const hInput, InOutCapabilities const inputCaps)
 Set the input capabilities. More...
CPBOOLEAN InputOutput_IsCompatibleWith (InOutCapabilities const inputCaps, InOutCapabilities const outputCaps)
 Check if the input is compatible with the specified output caps. More...
Source management
CLC_ErrorCode Input_RemoveSource (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPENDPOINT const *const pSource)
 Remove a source. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_GetSource (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT16 const wSourceIndex, CPENDPOINT *const pEndpoint)
 Get a source. More...
Parameter management
CLC_ErrorCode Input_AddModifierParameter (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name, CPUINT16 const wMsgNum, CPHOBJECT const hIndexList, CPUINT16 const wMidPointValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8LabelMin, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8LabelMidPoint, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8LabelMax, DataTypes const preferredDataType, CPUINT16 const wGroup, ModifierInformationProfiles const informationProfiles, ControllerTypes const preferredControllerType, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPHOBJECT *const phParameter)
 Add a Modifier parameter. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_AddSelectorParameter (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name, CPUINT16 const wMsgNum, CPHOBJECT const hIndexList, CPHOBJECT const hSelectorItemList, CPUINT16 const wGroup, SelectorInformationProfiles const informationProfiles, ControllerTypes const preferredControllerType, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPHOBJECT *const phParameter)
 Add a Selector parameter. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_AddTextParameter (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Name, CPUINT16 const wMsgNum, CPHOBJECT const hIndexList, CPUINT16 const wGroup, TextInformationProfiles const informationProfiles, ControllerTypes const preferredControllerType, CPUINT32 const dwParameterUserData, CPHOBJECT *const phParameter)
 Add a Text parameter. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_AddTitleParameter (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8Text, CPUINT16 const wGroup)
 Add a title in the parameter list. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_ClearParameterDefinition (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Clear the whole set of parameters related to this Input. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_RefreshParameterDefinition (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Send a notification to all connected Outputs that the parameter definition changed. Calling this makes NH_OUTPUT_REFRESHPARAMETERDEFINITION to be called on connected outputs. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Parameter_RefreshCurrentModifierParameterValue (CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT16 const wIndex, CPVALUE const *const pValue, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes)
 Notify the connected Outputs & Controllers about a Modifier parameter change. This causes an immediate sending of the feedback to the remote watchers. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Parameter_RefreshCurrentSelectorParameterValue (CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT16 const wIndex, CPUINT16 const wValue, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes)
 Notify the connected Outputs & Controllers about a Selector parameter change. This causes an immediate sending of the feedback to the remote watchers. The text value is issued from the related Selector Item list. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Parameter_RefreshCurrentTextParameterValue (CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT16 const wIndex, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8ValueText, RefreshValueAttributes const attributes)
 Notify the connected Outputs & Controllers about a Text parameter change. This causes an immediate sending of the feedback to the remote watchers. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Parameter_DeclareParameterChanged (CPHOBJECT const hParameter, CPUINT16 const wIndex, CPUINT16 const wRawValue)
 This can be used to declare a parameter value change without sending immediately the feedback. Then the CHAI can call the IInput_ParameterNotificationHandler::OnParameter_RequestCurrentValue when it deems it necessary. This is a convenient way to limit the bandwidth used by parameter's current value feedback. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Parameter_AddModifierSupportedDataType (CPHOBJECT const hParameter, DataTypes const dataType, CPVALUE const *const pMinValue, CPVALUE const *const pMidValue, CPVALUE const *const pMaxValue)
 Declare a supported data type and its value range information. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_Signal (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint)
 Send a multicast signal directed to all devices present in the source set. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_DataConsumed (CPHOBJECT const hInput)
 Tells the sources that incoming SysEx or DataTransfer message has been processed. If this command is not used, the sender wait for 500ms before sending next SysEx or DataTransferMessage. More...
CLC_ErrorCode Input_Clock_Set (CPHOBJECT const hInput, CPUINT8 const bCPQNMultiplier)
 Set expected clock description. More...